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Take the Start-Up Nation.
Add what one press release claims to be “the world’s fastest growing industry.”
What you get is CannaTech 2017, “Israel’s premier international summit for accelerating cannabis innovations,” scheduled for March in Tel Aviv with an excursion to the Arava Desert.
Where else can you use (or earn) El Al Frequent Flyer miles while hearing from and meeting the cannabis industry’s “most serious thought leaders and market disrupters from around the world””
Promised topics of discussion include “Medical vs. Pharmaceutical Markets” and “Synthetics vs. Whole Plant Therapies.”
As a reminder: While Israel’s “government policy and regulations regarding medical cannabis are the world’s most progressive,” according to the CannaTech 2017 press release, the so-called “Light Up Nation” lags behind U.S. states like California, Colorado, and Massachusetts in full legalization.