Moriah teachers attend development workshop

Moriah teachers attend development workshop

Among the Moriah Lower School teachers participating were from left, Zeva Epstein, Miriam Finkelstein, and Lauren Grossberg. Jordana Schwartz, Batya Kinsberg, Milana Lazareva, and Chaya Devora Senft are not pictured. (Courtesy Moriah)
Among the Moriah Lower School teachers participating were from left, Zeva Epstein, Miriam Finkelstein, and Lauren Grossberg. Jordana Schwartz, Batya Kinsberg, Milana Lazareva, and Chaya Devora Senft are not pictured. (Courtesy Moriah)

A team of teachers from the Moriah School recently participated in a three-day professional development session focused on developing actionable implementation plans for personalized learning. The Avi Chai Foundation funds the program in partnership with Better Lesson to advance the foundation’s goal of improving “the quality of day school education by increasing individualized data-based instruction and enabling students to develop skills and ways of thinking needed in the 21st century.”

The teachers will receive ongoing support from BetterLesson coaches to refine and implement their plans throughout the academic year. BetterLesson’s PersonalizedPD involves a two-pronged approach: an in-person Design Studio where teachers work with coaches to develop their pilots and ongoing coaching as they implement the plan in their classrooms.

According to Lauren Adler, Moriah’s instructional technology coordinator, “Our teachers have been focused on personalizing their learning so that every student feels supported and challenged at the same time in a fashion that allows them to maximize their academic potential. The coaching they receive this year will allow them to continue to build upon the success we have experienced to date.”

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