Duly noted
When I received the message from the Standard’s assistant editor Josh Lipowsky that the headline for the article on our conference March 7 would read “UJA…” instead of “UTJ Holds Conference on Independent Minyanim,”, my heart sank – a wonderful opportunity to bring people would now be missed simply because of a typo.
Or would it?
I was once characterized as having become very right-wing because another Jewish periodical mistakenly identified me as the executive vice president of an Israeli Haredi organization with the identical initials of the UTJ (we are the Union for Traditional Judaism).
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So, if I have to choose with whom our organization will mistakenly be identified, I suppose I’d have to say UJA, rather than a different UTJ. I have been a giver to UJA for many years and support their good works, and our UTJ has even received the occasional grant from UJA for our outreach work.
In the end, the Standard committed an accidental error that could happen to anyone. And it’s even possible that someone who might otherwise have missed it, read the very well written article about our program because of the mistake.