‘Difficult dilemmas’

‘Difficult dilemmas’

In his July 17 letter, Henry Ostberg blames the increase in anti-Semitism in the diaspora “since the death of Yitzhak Rabin” on the “aggressive policies pursued by subsequent Israeli governments.” To which Israeli governments does Mr. Ostberg refer? To Shimon Peres, the architect of Oslo? To Ehud Barak, who made unprecedented concessions at Camp David? To Ariel Sharon, who withdrew unilaterally from Gaza? Or to Ehud Olmert, who was weak in Lebanon, according to the Israeli consensus, and who made greater concessions than Barak in Annapolis?

Mr. Ostberg displays no sympathy regarding the difficult dilemmas that confront every Israeli government in defending its citizens from attacks by barbaric suicide bombers, deadly Kassam rockets and the like. To insinuate that all, or even most, of Rabin’s successors were “aggressive” instigators of world anti-Semitism is deeply unfair. Contrary to Mr. Ostberg’s self-description in his letter, he is anything but a “strong supporter of Israel.”
