Israeli invention powers screentime with exercise

Israeli invention powers screentime with exercise

Amazing Israeli invention a gamechanger: Kids have to earn their computer time with exercise.

Shai Shalev is a computer science and aeronautics engineer. He is also the father of three children. “As a parent, I was worried seeing my kids sitting in front of the computer for hours,” he said. “I was looking for a way to make them do some sport activity.”

“I’ve developed this system along with my kids, and it’s really working. They love it. I love it. It’s a win-win.”

How does it work? 

The computer is connected to an exercise bike — and the screen is locked. it’s simple! You unlock the screen by pedaling the bike.  Other options enable parents to preset free daily time for their kids, and allow kids to earn credits on the bike and save them to use later.

“The system is intended to be fair, and to give the kids a goal that they can reach,” Shalev said.

Shalev is gauging interest and compiling a list of people willing to beta test the invention. If you’re interested, write to him at

His website is

An early prototype video (Hebrew)

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