Serving our seniors
I was pleased to see that Café Europa, the social and support program for Holocaust survivors, was among the groups mentioned in your article about meeting the needs of senior adults in our community.
I would like to point out that while Café Europa is under the auspices of Jewish Family Service of North Jersey, it meets – as it has for the past many years – at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Cong. B’nai Israel. Our synagogue is proud of its commitment to seniors in our area and sponsors several initiatives to foster their well-being.
Just recently, our Shofar Corps – over a dozen students from our religious school who learned to blow shofar guided by our Men’s Progress Club – visited homebound seniors so that they, too, could hear the shofar blasts. We provide emergency supply packages through our E.S.P. program, delivering packages of non-perishable food to those receiving Meals-on-Wheels to ensure they have sustenance should Meals-on-Wheels be unable to deliver due to inclement winter weather. Through these and other opportunities to support, comfort, and nurture our seniors, the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Cong. B’nai Israel is practicing tikkun olam and acknowledging the debt we owe to our elders.
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