Congregation Darchei Noam of Fair Lawn will hold its second annual dinner on Sunday, May 17. Doris and Lenny Eis and Rachel and Israel Sabo will be honored.
The Eises are among the shul’s founding families. Doris Eis has been a member of the building design and kiddush committees and has coordinated High Holy Day seating. Lenny Eis has chaired the facilities committee since the shul moved into its current home and coordinates various charitable collections for it and other organizations.
The Sabos will receive the Bonei Yerushalayim award. Israel Sabo worked on managing the original construction of the shul and on building upgrades. The couple oversees Seudat Shlishit each week.
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The dinner will begin at 6 p.m. at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center, with entertainment by Chicago City Limits. For information, go to or email Rabbi Donath at