Computer learning for adults
The EGL Foundation Computer Center for Adults 40+ at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly is enrolling for classes taught by experienced instructors and volunteers. Courses will begin on July 8. An open house and orientation will be on Tuesday, June 30, at 10:30 a.m. Refreshments will be served.
The open house includes information about interesting websites, the opportunity to win a free computer course, and a free practice session with hands-on instruction and coaching.
Classes are small and meet once or twice a week in the fully equipped computer facility. Each student uses an individual computer with the Windows operating system and receives a detailed course manual. Flash drives are used in class and are available at a discounted rate. Students are encouraged to own a computer to reinforce the information they learn at the JCC. A weekly two-hour free supervised practice session is available with every course.
Those who register by July 2 will receive a 20 percent discount on classes. Call Arielle at (201) 569-7900, ext. 309, email, or go to