The complexities and frustrations accompanying the construction of the new synagogue of Cong. Ahavath Torah in these times were well profiled in your July 10 article “Tensions rising along with new shul complex.” The building includes areas to accommodate the many minyanim and activities of the shul, as well as a community mikvah and Sephardic Center, as noted. However, please allow me to correct any misunderstanding: All costs of the mikvah, whether for the redesign to add space for the mikvah to the original plan or for actual construction, are being financed by the Englewood Mikva Association itself, regardless of whether they are included in the overall price tag of the building. The mikvah, though located in the new building, is run by the Englewood Mikva Association, which operates independently of any synagogue connection and services women from the entire Englewood community as well as surrounding areas. We look forward to making our unique contribution to our community’s Jewish life together with that of the handsome building in which it will be housed.
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