WATCH: This musician will give you strength to last a year

WATCH: This musician will give you strength to last a year

She's magical

Or discovered the unique traits of her voice while traveling Asia in her early 20’s. Her repertoire includes mostly folk tunes and sacred Jewish, Hindu music, as well as oriental and Rainbow Mantras.

Or Orka Teppler was born in Israel and raised in Northern England. Or discovered the unique traits of her voice while traveling Asia in her early 20’s. Her repertoire includes mostly folk tunes and sacred Jewish, Hindu music, as well as oriental and Rainbow Mantras. To quench her insatiable thirst for music, Teppler came back to Israel to study at the Rimon contemporary music school, where she received a full student scholarship. Since then, she has been playing two main genres of music, her new fantasy, folk music project with FOREST and her Shamanic project with the Orot band. Orka is currently working on her second album with Orot, along with her new band’s first solo album.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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