Seoul Trading Asian Grocery donates $20,000 to a pair of Englewood organizations

Seoul Trading Asian Grocery donates $20,000 to a pair of Englewood organizations

Leah Huang, executive secretary of Seoul Trading Asian Grocery; Jay Lee, manager of the firm; and Tae Ho Kwon, CEO of Seoul Trading, with Mayor Wildes, Evan Sohn, former Kesher Synagogue president, and shul leaders.
Leah Huang, executive secretary of Seoul Trading Asian Grocery; Jay Lee, manager of the firm; and Tae Ho Kwon, CEO of Seoul Trading, with Mayor Wildes, Evan Sohn, former Kesher Synagogue president, and shul leaders.

The Seoul Trading Asian Grocery Wholesaler in Englewood donated $20,000 to two Englewood organizations: Elks Ideal Lodge #470 and Kesher Synagogue, which is trying to preserve the Taylor Bliss House.

Englewood Mayor Michael Wildes presents a check to the elders of Elks Ideal Lodge #470.

Seoul Trading Asian Grocery Wholesaler has been a leading distributor of Asian food products in the United States and Canada since 1982. In 2009, Seoul Trading opened a 170,000-square-foot warehouse in Englewood. The grocery wholesaler has been committed and dedicated to serving the community and makes annual donations to worthy causes. In December 31, it donated $10,000 to Elks Ideal Lodge #470 to prevent the fraternal organization from closing.

Seoul Trading also donated $10,000 to Kesher Synagogue to help preserve the Taylor Bliss house, built circa 1876, at Hudson and Engle streets. This building is a visual reminder of Englewood’s historic heritage. It is listed on the Bergen County Historical Sites Survey as of “particular historical or architectural interest,” and is also listed with the Historic Preservation Office of New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places. Both the Englewood Historical Society and Kesher are hoping to move the house to 500 Liberty Road, the former property of Eleanor Harvey, a founder of the Englewood Historical Society, who willed her property to the city at her death in 2007.

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