JWV Post 76 entertains vets at East Orange hospital

JWV Post 76 entertains vets at East Orange hospital

Rishad Patel, left, with Lewis Feldman, Howard Barmad, Dave Kronick, Lou Adler, Peter Cafasso, Marty Rotella, Barry Weiss, and Tracy and Carol Adler. (Photo provided)
Rishad Patel, left, with Lewis Feldman, Howard Barmad, Dave Kronick, Lou Adler, Peter Cafasso, Marty Rotella, Barry Weiss, and Tracy and Carol Adler. (Photo provided)

Jewish War Veterans Zweiman-Grover Post 76 of North Bergen recently presented a two-hour, three-act program at the East Orange Veterans Hospital.

The program included inspirational songs by Marty Rotella; Peter Cafasso performed a tribute to Frank Sinatra; and New Day Dawn Group, featuring Dawn Botti, David Botti, and Elo Hernandez, played rock music.

The post commander, David Kronick, thanked its senior vice commander, Barry Weiss, for arranging the performance.

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