Jumbo Jet Full of Americans Moving to Israel Lands

Jumbo Jet Full of Americans Moving to Israel Lands

Watch 221 new immigrants singing with pride and joy, Israel's national anthem, "Hatikva" ('The Hope')

Emotional hugs, smiles, dancing, laughter, and tears were just some of the strong feelings that the 221 new immigrants from North America felt as they descended down the steps of El AL Flight No. 553. Israeli soldiers sang and waved flags. A mother danced in the crowd with her two children. A man blew a pocket-sized shofar.The trip was sponsored by Nefesh b’Nefesh, an organization dedicated to facilitating Aliyah – immigration to Israel.

A total of 32 families and 53 singles were on the flight. 25 percent of the group will be pioneering as part of the Nefesh b’ Nefesh and Keren Kayemet’s “Go North” and “Go South” programs.

Russell Robinson, CEO of the Jewish National Fund in the United States told Arutz Sheva that there is always excitement whenever new immigrants from outside Israel arrive.

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