JCC of Paramus/CBT plans celebration to mark 60 years since groundbreaking

JCC of Paramus/CBT plans celebration to mark 60 years since groundbreaking

Henry and Lola Weber, left, Irene Reiss, Janice Greenberg, Albert Nahum, Helga Bodeen, and Lotte Buff

This year, the JCC of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah’s annual journal dinner dance — the shul’s 36th dinner dance — will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the ground-breaking ceremony for what then was called the Jewish Community Center of Paramus. It is set for Sunday, June 10, at 4:30 p.m., at the synagogue. Several members have been at the shul from the beginning. It started in 1951 when 14 families came together to realize their dream of building a shul. That dream was realized and a ground breaking ceremony was held on May 4, 1958, on the southwest corner of East Midland Avenue and Spring Valley Road in Paramus. A building campaign was launched; within three years the building was a reality and dedication ceremonies were held. At the time, Henry Weber, pictured above, was the shul president.

The new synagogue quickly became a meeting place for newly organized chapters of Jewish organizations, as well as a place for morning and evening minyanim. Continued growth added a religious school and a few years later the building was expanded.

Members of seven of the synagogue’s founding families still belong to it. Above, Henry and Lola Weber, Irene Reiss, Janice Greenberg, Albert Nahum, Helga Bodeen, and Lotte Buff will be at the celebration; founding member Leon Klein, not pictured, will join them.

The gala includes a cocktail hour, dinner, and dancing; an ad journal will be published in conjunction with it. For more information, call (201) 262-7691 or go to JCCParamus.org.

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