Holocaust family’s rescued photos form centerpiece of talk at shul
Jacob Wisse, the director of Yeshiva University Museum, presents “Lost & Found: Adventures of a Family Photo Album Rescued from the Holocaust” at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. The adult education multimedia presentation is set for Sunday, January 6, at 8 p.m.
Dr. Wisse will explore the history of a family photo album that was assembled in the decades before World War II, smuggled out of the wartime Kovno Ghetto by its Jewish creator, hidden for three generations by a non-Jewish Lithuanian family, re-discovered, and returned to the family’s descendants in 2016. The album’s photographs evoke the rich Jewish cultural life that flourished in the urban centers of Eastern Europe between the wars. The rediscovery of the album and of the lives of the people shown in it shed light on the important role of photography in strengthening family bonds and preserving memories for future generations. The talk is based on an exhibition that Dr. Wisse co-curated at Yeshiva University Museum, where it is on view until April 28.