Film festival showcases lives of people with disabilities

Film festival showcases lives of people with disabilities

From “Stand Clear of the Closing Doors.”

The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades presents “Reel Abilities,” a film festival showcasing the lives and artistic expressions of people with disabilities.

As a member of the “REEL Abilities, NJ” consortium, the JCC will host the five-day festival, featuring award-winning feature films and shorts. The umbrella organization, REEL Abilities, is the largest film festival in the country dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation for the lives, stories, and artistic expressions of people with disabilities. The films are intended for all audiences and designed to bring the community together to discuss and celebrate the diversity of the human experience.

Film screenings can be attended individually or as a series at 7 p.m. “Praying With Lior” will be shown on Sunday, November 16; “It’s All About Friends” on Monday; “Mary & Max” on Tuesday; “Stand Clear of the Closing Doors” on Wednesday; and “AKA Doc Pomus” on Thursday at 2 p.m. “Reel Encounters/Do You Believe in Love?” will be screened on Thursday, November 20, at 7 p.m.

There is no admission charge; a $5 donation is appreciated. Continuing education credits are available. Call Shelley Levy at (201) 408.1489 or email her at

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