Chabad marks Tu B’Shevat in Woodcliff Lake and Tenafly

Chabad marks Tu B’Shevat in Woodcliff Lake and Tenafly

Dr. Michelle Mayer of Woodcliff Lake teaches a lesson to the group. (Courtesy Chabad)
Dr. Michelle Mayer of Woodcliff Lake teaches a lesson to the group. (Courtesy Chabad)

More than 50 women and teens attended Valley Chabad’s Women’s Circle and CTeen group’s Tu B’Shevat celebration for women in Woodcliff Lake. Participants made a board with fruit, chocolate, and cheese to take home. They also received a photo of a tree with a life lesson printed on the back, to share with the group.

The group discussed the unique attributes of trees that can be applied to better living, such as growing toward light, providing shade and protection, ensuring strong roots, and bearing fruit to bring sweetness to others.

Valley Chabad activities are open to the local Jewish community regardless of affiliation or practice.

For more information, go to or call (201) 476-0157.

Asher Cohen and Rabbi Yitzchak and Naomi Gershovitz of Chabad of Tenafly. (Courtesy Chabad)

To commemorate Tu B’Shevat, families gathered at Lubavitch on the Palisades in Tenafly for an evening “hiking” in Israel. Rabbi Mordechai Shain talked about the meaning of Tu B’Shevat, the custom to eat the seven fruits of Israel, and the special connection to the land. Tehillim and prayers were recited and tzedakah was donated to Israel for the safe return of soldiers and hostages. Then participants “visited” different cities in Israel and enjoyed special activities at each. At Jerusalem’s Machane Yehuda shuk, they tasted the seven species of Israel and other fruits. At Kibbutz Be’eri they planted new flowers, symbolizing rebuilding and rebirth. They made art in Tzfat and enjoyed smoothies in Tiveria.

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