The monument planned for Arlington National Cemetery will honor 10 Jewish chaplains, eight who died in service during World War II and two from the Vietnam War.
World War II:
Chaplain Rabbi Alexander Goode, Feb. 3, 1943
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Chaplain Rabbi Louis Werfel, Feb. 24, 1943
Chaplain Rabbi Herman L. Rosen, June 8, 1943
Chaplain Rabbi Henry Goody, Oct. 19, 1943
Chaplain Rabbi Samuel D. Hurowitz, Dec. 9, 1943
Chaplain Rabbi Irving Tepper, Aug. 13, 1944
Chaplain Rabbi Frank Goldenberg, May 22, 1945
Chaplain Rabbi Nachman S. Arnoff, May 9, 1946
Chaplain Rabbi Meir Engel, Dec. 16, 1964
Chaplain Rabbi Morton H. Singer, Dec. 17, 1968