Bergen County Moms and Emerson shul rally to support IDF soldiers

Annie Steinberg-Joachim, head of Bergen County Moms, and Naomi Weinberg of Congregation B’nai Israel in Emerson. (Courtesy CBI)
In response to outreach from Annie Steinberg-Joachim, founder of the Bergen County Moms Facebook group, members of Emerson’s Congregation B’nai Israel, along with hundreds of shoppers and volunteers, bought, sorted, labeled, bagged, and shipped items to support IDF soldiers in Israel. Donations included tents, sleeping bags, socks, thermals, bandages, protein bars, toothpaste, and headlamps. Three shipments to Israel were delivered in late October, through an effort coordinating with JFK Airport, Elal, and Israel’s Ministry of Defense. The local volunteers were committed to delivering the donations to aid IDF soldiers.
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