20 women FIDF supporters on Israel unique mission

20 women FIDF supporters on Israel unique mission

Taran Chernin of Woodcliff Lake, second from right, wearing a white shirt, stands with other mission participants from the tristate region and the IDF “Lions of the Valley” 47th Battalion, an infantry battalion composed of female and male combat soldiers. (Nir Kafri)
Taran Chernin of Woodcliff Lake, second from right, wearing a white shirt, stands with other mission participants from the tristate region and the IDF “Lions of the Valley” 47th Battalion, an infantry battalion composed of female and male combat soldiers. (Nir Kafri)

Twenty leaders and supporters of Friends of the Israel Defense Forces from across the United States traveled to Israel last week to join the FIDF Women’s Mission to Israel. There, they got a rare glimpse into the IDF and the lives of its soldiers.

Mission participants received in-depth briefings by senior military officers, met state leaders, heard from Israeli women innovators who are reshaping Israeli society, got a behind-the-scenes look at strategic IDF bases, toured Israel’s prestigious Maskit fashion house, and engaged with women in IDF combat positions.

They visited the Israel Space Agency and heard from Israel Aerospace Industries’ Inbal Kreiss, the deputy general director of the space division; working with SpaceIL, she designed and built the “Beresheet” spacecraft, which was launched from Cape Canaveral in February. When the spacecraft makes its successful landing on the moon in April, Israel will be the fourth country ever to have created such a landing. It would also be the smallest spacecraft to make a controlled landing on the moon, and the least expensive mission.

Participants also met the Dvorah Forum, a professional network that links the most senior women in Israeli foreign policy, security, public policy, and law, who aim to advance the standing of women, and they learned about Israel’s humanitarian efforts to treat victims of the civil war in Syria.

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