What We Can Learn from Teachers
As I’m sure you know, there’s a continuing dispute about teacher pay and about rating teacher performance. I’m not going to get into that because the issues are complex and I’m not an expert in them.
What I do want to write about is what HS and College students, and those of us who already have jobs and careers, can learn from teachers that will be helpful to a job search and to the way we do our jobs. And here, I’m not referring to subject matter expertise that teachers teach – like finance, or computer applications, or writing (and, boy, is good writing ever important to all kinds of careers!)
What I am talking about are lessons we can all take away ““”“ by thinking for a moment about what teachers do:
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Find something you’re passionate about – if you can be like teachers who dedicate themselves to subjects they love, you’ll be that much more effective and successful in whatever career you choose.
Listen to what others have to say – this teaching skill will come in very handy… both before you interview; when you interview; and on the job.
Prepare – teachers know the stuff they teach and they prepare for class; we should all work to know the content areas our jobs require so we can do them well.
Stretch your knowledge and your skills – like teachers, make learning a lifelong pursuit… whatever we do, we can do it better.
Show up every day – sure, teachers miss work occasionally, as we all do, but day in and day out they try hard to engage and lead others.
What we can learn from teachers… I’d love readers to send in their own lessons and, if you like, even some examples. Let’s make this lesson about teachers one we can all learn from!