We’ll always have ‘Casablanca’
The beginning of a beautiful friendship
“Casablanca” opened nationally 70 years ago, in 1943. (Pre-released on Thanksgiving of 1942, it was shown in Franklin Roosevelt’s White House on the last day of that year.) And if you Google it, you will find it’s still being viewed worldwide. In fact, it seems to be a summer staple and is often shown outdoors. A cursory search in September found recent screenings in Michigan, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, as well as in Hanoi and the United Kingdom.
What gives this film its staying power? Perhaps – in addition to fine acting, a tight plot, well-integrated and appealing music, and stirring patriotism – it is the nobility of the lead characters, their deep love that will persist despite their sacrifice for the greater good.
What do you think? See it again, and let us know.
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