WATCH: Israeli singer records same catchy song in five languages

WATCH: Israeli singer records same catchy song in five languages

This is the English one - you'll want to watch them all, though.

Artur Katz wrote to us: “Hey, so I released my debut album about two weeks ago, and I made a special project with the single that was released with it.

“The song “Lo Zamin” (Not Available) was recorded in 5 languages, with 5 different featured artists and I made 5 music videos.
Hebrew (Feat. Keren Avrashi), English (Feat. Reut Yehudai), Russian (Feat. Evelyn Genis), Spanish (Feat. Anya Wainberg) and French (With Mona Miodezky)
Here is a Youtube playlist of all 5 videos:”



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