Wants Pollard freed

Wants Pollard freed

Prominent American Jews once again betray their brother, and the masses.

They could’ve done more, much more, those politically astute elitist Jews who gave Mr. McCain all that money.

As they converged, consorted, and consulted with the prince of Pharaoh, delivered the silver, and pledged to support his ascendancy to the throne of the kingdom of Egypt, this greatest of all diasporas, prominent American Jews kept quiet about their brother, a Prisoner of Zion, who for 23 years in a prison cell, goes to sleep tonight convinced that his brothers have “sold” him into slavery, and still pretend to not know it.

“Wherefore have you cometh before Pharaoh and seeketh after his counsel, and you fail to enter in a plea of mercy, or advocate for your brother Joseph? Nor have the Sons of Israel inquired after his welfare.”

As long as John McCain “supports Israel,” why should American Jews demand their release of their brother, Jonathan Pollard, from captivity?

The “litmus test” by which American-Israeli relations are to be measured shall not be executed, or be tested, for a Hebrew shall not bring appeal before the court of Egypt and still hold counsel with Pharaoh and his subjects! Just the mere mention of Jonathan Jay Pollard is sure to marginalize the common Hebrew among the Egyptians.

It’s apparent that those who seek counsel with Mr. McCain will not petition for their brother, at least not in public.

But much can be done by the laity in this presidential election year as President George Bush strategically exits from the White House:

1) Learn about Mr. Pollard’s case by accessing the Website: www.JonathanPollard.org and making a diligent effort to be knowledgeable about it,

2) Write to Jonathan and tell him that you are with him! His address is on the Website.

3) Write or call your senators and representatives, asking that they look into this issue “one more time.”

4) Organize letter-writing campaigns to candidates McCain and Obama, telling them that now is the time to make a statement as to what they will do for Jonathan as they campaign for your votes.

5) Suggest that your children’s school initiate programs and workshops to learn the facts of the case and to rally for his release, and finally

6) Call up the White House “Comment Line” (202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111) and advocate for your brother’s release. Write President Bush a letter requesting that before he leaves office, that he do one last thing – grant executive clemency for Jonathan Pollard. Tell him that as long as Mr. Pollard is incarcerated, you are too. Tell him to free his hostage now.

If you do any of the above, you will make all the difference in the world!
