This chasidic Haggadah rocks
Lipa Schmeltzer is a rock star of the Orthodox world.
He’s been called the chasidic Lady Gaga.
A native of New Square, home of the Skverer chasidim in upstate New York, he has performed concerts, recorded albums, visited the White House, and even starred in a Pepsi commercial.
Now he has his own Haggadah.
Actually, it was published in 2010, but it just came to our attention this year. We’re a bit out of the chasidic music loop.
Lipa’s Haggadah features the traditional text, of course, but is illustrated with photographs of…. Lipa!
Lipa and the four sons.
Lipa and the plague of blood.
Lipa, Lipa, Lipa!
As the title of his 2009 album has it, “Non Stop Lipa.”
Like we said, he’s a rock star.
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