They came for them

They came for them

In 1984, 8,000 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted from refugee camps organized by the Mossad in the Sudan to safety in Israel in Operation Moses. In 1985, Operation Joshua, a CIA-sponsored action, brought an additional 494 Ethiopians to Israel. In 1991, with financial help from Jews in the United States (accounting for the lion’s share of a $35 million bribe paid to the embattled government of President Mengistu Haile Mariam), Operation Solomon brought 14,325 Jews directly from Ethiopia in a historic mission involving 34 stripped-down aircraft flying around the clock for 36 hours, mostly over Shabbat. In the past year, Operation Dove’s Wings brought more than 7,000 to Israel. Last week, two Israeli aircraft brought the last 450 Ethiopian Jews to the Jewish State.

Someone came for them. Am Yisrael Chai.

