The joy of leyning
Over the past two years, Reconstruc-tionist Temple Beth Israel of Maywood has developed a team of Torah leyners, ranging in age from 11 to 70. We all cheer each other on and each of us even has an exclusive “Team Torah” kippah. Technology is a big help, but the secret weapon is to start with a teacher to guide and encourage you.
It is difficult to describe the intimate feeling one has when leyning from the Torah. The relationship to the sacred scroll takes on a deeper meaning. I am a self-taught Torah leyner, and it has been, and continues to be, my passion to teach others and to let them know, as Edmon Rodman wrote May 22 [“On Shavuot, why is that calligraphy singing?”], “Listen, you can do this.”
Thank you for his inspiring article.
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