The ballet book of Ruth

The ballet book of Ruth

Interpretive dance version of Megillat Ruth

Megillat Ruth tells the story of the friendship and commitment between Ruth and Naomi. This Shavuot, the ancient friendship of Megillat Ruth comes to life in a new music video created in a collaboration between three Jewish female artists: singer/composer Franciska Kosman, ballet dancer Lisie Michel, and video producer Rivka Cohen. The video is an expression of the values of Ruth, as well as their dedication to producing quality Jewish art.

The lyrics Franciska chose include the famous passage spoken by the righteous Jewish convert, Ruth, “Wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16). Ruth makes this pledge to her mother-in-law, Naomi as an expression of friendship to Naomi and commitment to the Jewish people. Ruth had the option to return to her family, following her husband’s death, but instead chose to follow Naomi and remain a part of the Jewish community. The second stanza of the song quotes King David, the great grandson of Ruth: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous” (Psalms 34:16). Ruth’s declaration to Naomi expresses her righteousness. Franciska, Lisie, and Rivka use their arts to express these values of friendship, commitment to Judaism, and righteousness in the “Ruth” video.

Franciska Kosman, singer/composer,

Lisie Michel, ballet dancer,

Rivka Cohen, video producer,

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