Tel Aviv museum offers virtual tour and online resources

Tel Aviv museum offers virtual tour and online resources

From the Museum’s historic synagogue permanent exhibit, “Hallelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study — Synagogues Past and Present” (Museum of the Jewish People)
From the Museum’s historic synagogue permanent exhibit, “Hallelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study — Synagogues Past and Present” (Museum of the Jewish People)

Tel Aviv’s Museum of the Jewish People, the world’s largest Jewish museum, offers a virtual tour focused on the museum’s historic synagogue permanent exhibit, “Hallelujah! Assemble, Pray, Study — Synagogues Past and Present.” It features models of famous synagogues and historic artifacts from them.

In addition, the Tel Aviv-based cultural center’s special online activities include “Family Photo Reenactment,” which encourages kids and families to choose an interesting family photo from the past and recreate it, using clothing and props found around the house. Photos can be shared with the museum’s online portal for all to see and experience.

“Our Family Story” shows how families around the world tell their stories, creatively and artistically. Artistic displays could include a poster, video, or blog. Kids are encouraged to submit a video of themselves explaining their project to the museum, which then will be uploaded to the museum’s website for families to enjoy.

“Jewish Lens in the age of Coronavirus” is a continuation of the museum’s annual international photo competition, inviting children to celebrate their Jewish identity and Jewish traditions through photography and share how the pandemic has changed dynamics of Jewish life.

The museum also has set up a 30- to 50-minute virtual tour that explores its synagogues exhibit. Tours are conducted via Zoom. They are interactive, led by a dedicated museum staff educator. Participants can ask questions and interact with each other. Groups or individuals can book tours by emailed Lindsay Shapiro at the museum at

For the complete list of the museum’s online activities, go to
