Starting another war

Starting another war

In response to Harry Lerner’s letter in the January 18 Standard, I find it startling that he pulls a phrase out of the paper’s previous editorial on Chuck Hagel, “See, we told you so,” yet proceeds as though he hadn’t read the rest of the editorial. The Standard’s editorial goes on to describe an editorial Senator Hagel co-authored with others discussing the positive values of the military option. Yet sanctions against Iran put in place by President Obama are the strongest ever, more, certainly, than President Bush’s were. And Iran is no pushover like Iraq. Any attack by the United States on Iran means an immediate attack on Israel. Reasonable people like the president are aware of this. Those in our government representing the defense industry are pushing for war. I have to ask Mr. Lerner which of the president’s Iran policies doesn’t he like, the enormously damaging sanctions or the fact we haven’t started yet another war in the Middle East?
