Spending for a cause
It is not a crime to put your money in endeavors in which you desire to be a part be it politics or philanthropy (“Adelson does not speak for survivors,” Letters, Dec. 7). Many former Democrats have become Republicans since the party has changed from that of President Kennedy. Mr. Adelson is a fierce defender of capitalism and puts his money in causes that defend and wish to perpetuate that system. He also contributes to many diverse Jewish causes of his choosing. Many wealthy Jews are heads of organizations because of the monies they give to the work of those organizations. I, for one, deeply appreciate the work of Mr. Steven Tencer and his ilk. Without the efforts of such as he, no organization can succeed in achieving its goals. It seems to me that Mr. Tencer really has a bias against those who espouse Republican policies who were once Democrats, including President Reagan. The commandment about coveting applies, in its broad application, to what others possess, be it money or status. Jealousy on any level is destructive and a negative force.
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