Special-needs day care for adults at YJCC

Special-needs day care for adults at YJCC

The YJCC in Washington Township is launching a day program for adults with developmental disabilities. Called SAIL – Self-determination, Advocacy, Independence, Living – the program is for those 21 and over. It has received approval from the New Jersey Department of Human Services, with the YJCC designated a Real Life Choices Service Provider.

It “will provide services for those who have aged out of special-education services,” said Stacy Cancelarich, a licensed social worker who will head the program. “We call it SAIL because to set sail is to set out on a voyage; in this case, it is a voyage toward independence and personal growth. Our mission is to strengthen the foundation acquired in school-based learning so that the participants can continue to develop personal interests, skills and social relationships.”

Scheduled to begin by May, it will initially run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Activities will include social, academic, daily living, and vocational skills, as well as recreational activities.

“An adult day program is a logical next step for YJCC special-needs programming,” said Gina Wellington, YJCC director of special services. “Like several special-needs programs at the Y, it is an outgrowth of a direct need. Our families and others in the community are lacking this adult day resource … and we are here to step up. Our community deserves a quality program, and I’m pleased that we are able to provide it.”

Intake interviews are being scheduled. For more information, e-mail Cancelarich at scancelarich@yjcc.org or call her at (201) 666-6610, ext. 268.

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