Special games field event and barbecue

Special games field event and barbecue

The Chuck Guttenberg Center for the Physically Challenged at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly will host the annual “Special Games Field Event and BBQ” for children and adults with special needs on Sunday, October 4. It will run from noon to 2:30 p.m., and there is a barbecue planned for all from 12:30 to 2:30.

Activities for the expected crowd of 200 include golf putt, basketball, softball throw, Frisbee and beanbag toss, scooter races, and a beach ball bop.

“The games are a volunteer-run event and a wonderful experience for everyone who gets involved, so we encourage people to both participate and volunteer,” said Shelley Levey, the Guttenberg Center for Special Services’ director. “All participants receive ribbons at every event station and activity they participate in, and the enthusiastic volunteers who help and cheer on the participants really give these athletes a great sense of accomplishment and pride.”

Family, friends, and volunteers contribute to the day’s success, bringing a sense of community and accomplishment to everyone there. The JCC is seeking volunteers, participants, and sponsors. Cost is $10. For more information, call Mindy Liebowitz at (201) 408-1490 or email her at mliebowitz@jccotp.org.

Special Games is held by the Chuck Guttenberg Center for the Physically Challenged, established by Adele and Bill Guttenberg in memory of their son, Chuck. It provides vital services for children, teens, and adults whose challenges range from developmental disabilities and autism to a range of physical issues.

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