Sinai Schools dinner 2018

Sinai Schools dinner 2018

More than a thousand supporters gathered on February 26 for Sinai’s annual benefit dinner at the Marriott Glenpointe Hotel in Teaneck, the largest attendance ever.

The honorees were Ruthie and Chazan Shim Craimer of Riverdale; Amy and Dr. Joshua Fogelman of Fair Lawn; Dr. Perla and Dr. Gerardo Yablonovich of Englewood; and Sinai alumnus and Bergenfield native Yaakov Guttman. Sinai also recognized Shimmy Stein of Bergenfield with the Shomer She’erit Yisrael. Lawrence R. Inserra Jr., CEO of the family-run Inserra Supermarkets, Inc., received Sinai’s Community Partnership Award.

The dinner featured the documentary “Walking Through Fire,” which tells the story of how Yaakov Guttman rose to overcome tragedy and significant learning disabilities to become a sergeant in charge of a sniper team in the Israel Defense Forces and to save lives as a firefighter in Tel Aviv. After the film, Mr. Guttman took the opportunity to express his gratitude to Sinai Schools for helping him realize his potential. He spoke movingly about his motivation for sharing his intimate story: to help children who are struggling as he once did, and to give them and their parents hope for the future. The film can be seen at

A second video, “Prayers from My Heart,” highlighted the range of students Sinai serves and the impact Sinai special education has on both students and their parents.

Sinai’s dean, Rabbi Yisrael Rothwachs, paid tribute to Rachel Schulman, an associate director of the school, who died just weeks before the dinner. A video memorialized Jake Weinstein, another associate director. These films are available at For information or to make a donation, call (201)833-1134, ext. 105, or go to

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