Schechter Kristallnacht music commemoration

Schechter Kristallnacht music commemoration

Tamara Freeman

The Morris and Ruth Kotek z”l Holocaust and Heritage Research Center at the Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County will host a Kristallnacht community commemoration on Monday, November 9, at 7 p.m., at the school.

The commemoration will include “Music Composed in the Ghettos and Concentration Camps: Songs of Courage and Resistance,” a performance/lecture by Dr. Tamara Freeman, a Holocaust ethnomusicologist and concert violist. The presentation includes a 14-piece recital. She plays a 1935 Joseph Bausch viola, a relic of the Holocaust.

SSDS is at 275 McKinley Ave., New Milford. For information, call (201) 262-9898.

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