Rosenbaum Yeshiva holds empowerment workshop

Rosenbaum Yeshiva holds empowerment workshop

Last month, Dr. Tamar Kahane, a licensed child psychologist and the founder and director of the Kahane Center, met with the early childhood educators and support staff at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey to empower them with tools and strategies to effectively grow their students’ executive functioning. Executive functioning is a term that describes the mental processes we use to help us organize our world. Skills include task initiation, emotional regulation, planning, prioritizing, and organization. During the workshop, Dr. Kahane showed how to incorporate those skills into the classroom to empower both educators and students. Shani Skydell, the director of RYNJ’s early childhood division, said, “The teachers were actively engaged in Dr. Kahane’s entire presentation, and could not get enough insight into how they can better support the children in their classrooms.” For more information, go to

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