Rockland residents among ROI Summit participants

Rockland residents among ROI Summit participants

(Snir Kazir)
(Snir Kazir)

This year’s ROI Summit in Jerusalem, the flagship program of ROI Community, an initiative of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, ran from June 23 to 27. It included 151 participants from 30 countries.

Pictured among them in the photo, top row, from left, are New York participants Orly Wahba, Shoshana Smolen, Tamar Frydman, David Yarus, Leah Forster, and Benjamin Ryberg. Andrew Belinfante, Elan Kogutt, Naftuli Moster, Sarah Pollack, and Julie Finkelstein are in the front. Chavie Lieber (not pictured) and Naftuli Moster live in Rockland County.
