Rinat’s annual dinner set for February 21

Rinat’s annual dinner set for February 21

Simcha and Barbara Hochman, top, Joseph and Sandra Greenberg, and Jennifer and Aaron Hoffer

Congregation Rinat Yisrael in Teaneck is holding its annual dinner on February 21. This year’s guests of honor are Barbara and Simcha Hochman. Sandra and Joseph Greenberg will receive the Sruli Guttman Service award, and Jennifer and Aaron Hoffer will be honored with the Young Leadership award.

The Hochmans have been members of Rinat since 1991. Barbara has served as co-chair of the Aveylut committee for 10 years, and prepares almost all seudot havraah (first meal eaten by the mourners when they return home from the funeral). She has managed the mishloach manot project for the last 14 years and is part of Rinat’s security team, boutiques, and the board nominating committee. Simcha, a member of Rinat’s executive board since 2005 and the shul’s financial secretary, has served on many Rinat committees and projects, including the assistant rabbi search, contract negotiations, and the recent Wandering Que BBQ event.

The Greenbergs have been members of Rinat since 2002. Sandra has been involved in crafting Rinat’s visual image, including its redesigned logo, Weekly Brief, shul flyers, and website. Joseph has been the gabbai of the Yamim Noraim minyan and the long-time gabbai sheni of the Beit Midrash minyan. He also has been a technical resource for Rinat’s office staff and has been a member and officer of the board. Joseph helped with the shul’s remodeling project, including inventory and organization of its seforim and design of the low-voltage systems. Most recently, he led the transition of the website and operations to the ShulCloud platform.

The Hoffers have been members of Rinat since 2008. Jennifer ran the Nerot Shavuot bake sale and volunteered for various Nerot events and programs. In 2011, she became Nerot’s first ever vice president; next, she served as its co-president. She has managed many events, programs, and committees, and has been a board member for two years. Aaron is active in Rinat’s youth committee and was instrumental in the success of the House Duty program, which arranges for parent volunteers during weekly youth group meetings. He also plans youth events and special programs. Through his company, MD Respiratory Services, he makes sure the shul’s oxygen tanks are always filled and available for emergencies.

To make reservations and donations, go to www.rinat.org or call the shul office at (201) 837-2795, ext. 101.

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