RCA ordains 125 new rabbis

RCA ordains 125 new rabbis

Rabbis Avrohom H. Levin and Chaim Schapiro, associate dean Rabbi Mendy Herson, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel Meir Lau, dean Rabbi Moshe Herson, Rabbi Yitzchok Yehudah Yeruslavsky, trustee Jed Katz, and Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz are in the front row with the graduates. (Photos courtesy RCA)
Rabbis Avrohom H. Levin and Chaim Schapiro, associate dean Rabbi Mendy Herson, former Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel Meir Lau, dean Rabbi Moshe Herson, Rabbi Yitzchok Yehudah Yeruslavsky, trustee Jed Katz, and Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz are in the front row with the graduates. (Photos courtesy RCA)

Nearly 600 people attended the rabbinical ordination ceremony for 125 Rabbinical College of America students. It was led by Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, a former Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel. Morris Township’s Mayor Jeff Grayzel and other public officials were also there.

The majority of graduates soon will become Chabad shluchim (emissaries), occupying Jewish leadership positions in communities throughout the globe.

From left, Trustee David Halpern, Rabbi Mendy Herson, Rabbi Israel M. Lau, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, Rabbi Moshe Herson, and Rabbi Yitzchok Yehudah Yeruslavsky, Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz, and Rabbi Avrohom H. Levin.

The dean of the college, Rabbi Moshe Herson, said, “We educate our students to be of service to humanity, meeting unmet needs wherever and whenever they exist. Our graduates have been on the front lines of disaster relief in California, Texas, the Virgin Islands and wherever they are needed.”

Rabbi Lau, who flew in from Israel for the ordination, encouraged the young rabbis to be strong leaders in their new communities and never forsake their congregations and fellow Jews. 

The graduation also honored the 25th yarzheit of the Lubavitcher rebbe.

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