Rain, sun — who cares?
The Frazzled Housewife

Rain, sun — who cares?

I have many talents. For example, when I choose a line at the supermarket, it is almost guaranteed that the person in front of me will have some sort of issue and we need to wait 15 minutes before it is resolved. When I was dating, it was almost guaranteed that the last person who I had been dating would marry the next girl he dated.

And then there was Cancun.

Let me preface by saying I am not complaining. I am grateful to God for all that I have in my life, good and bad. It is all a gift. All I do know is that the week before we went to Cancun the weather was perfect, and the week after we are leaving Cancun, the weather is supposed to be perfect. I do not think that I have that much power and I know, for certain, I cannot control anything (except for what I eat and we all know how bad I am at that) but I apologize to all of those who were in Cancun the same week that I was, because the weather was not stellar.

There was a cold weather advisory. And even though it was in Spanish, it did not sound good. The wind was so strong that we could hear the howling in our room. But here is one of the silver linings — instead of watching our computers in different rooms, like we do at home, we were on our computers in the same room. Now that is beautiful.

I told Husband #1 that the next time we go away, we should just tell people we are going away and then stay home. That way, the weather for the people who go to wherever we say we are will be beautiful.

Many, many years ago, we went to Aruba because someone told Husband #1 that the weather was guaranteed. The flight was about five hours, so we were looking forward to relaxing in the sun in a magical place so many miles away from home.

Guess what? It rained. And that is okay, because at that stage in our lives we, or I should say I, were in full-on parenting mode and we could have been in a Motel 6 on the highway in Yenemsvelt USA, and it would have been relaxing. The most useful piece of clothing that I packed for the current Mexican vacation was my handy dandy raincoat from Target. Good times.

During one of the many times it was raining, I left Husband #1 in the room and decided to walk in the mall across the street from our hotel. Little did I know that it was not a “walking” mall. It was like Woodbury Commons, when you had to walk outside to get into each store and the walkways all had “slippery when wet signs warning folks that brisk walking was ill advised. Since one of the things I have inherited from my mother is a fear of falling, I was walking so slowly that I felt like I was moving backward.

But in the end, it is all good. I found toys for Strudel, Marshmallow, and Danish, I found some really yummy kosher chocolate, and Cancun has an abundant supply of Fanta, so Husband #1 was beyond thrilled.

We had heard that some folks tried to bring hot dogs and such into Mexico, which is not allowed. They got caught by some kosher-food-sniffing dogs at Customs and their contraband was confiscated. Fortunately for Husband #1 and me, we brought in coffee cakes and Stella D’oro swiss fudge cookies, and the dogs couldn’t care less. So Husband #1 had his snacks for the week.

Don’t worry, we also brought tuna fish and bread, which was securely packed in a shoe box. If the bread loses its shape, Husband #1 won’t eat it. I know, he is extremely high maintenance — but it’s been almost 30 years of marriage, thank God, so it is what it is.

He found something on the menu of all the restaurants we went to. That means he ate hamburgers and French fries at almost every dinner, and that’s okay. And even if you don’t think it’s okay, it’s still okay, because that is what happened.

Here’s wishing all of you more positives than negatives on vacation and in life. Ole!

Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck is happy to be back home because Camp Babka winter session is in full swing…

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