Rabbi Sklar coming to Passaic

Rabbi Sklar coming to Passaic

Rabbi Aharon Sklar
Rabbi Aharon Sklar

Rabbi Aharon Sklar will be the annual scholar in residence at Yeshiva Ner Boruch-Passaic Torah Institute. On Thursday, February 6, at 8:15 p.m., he will talk to PTI’s Young Professionals group. He’ll speak to the community several times during davening and an oneg, on Shabbat, February 7 to 8.

Rabbi Sklar is the founder and rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Toldos Tzvi, a kollel and beis medrash program for English speakers in Jerusalem. PTI’s expanded Young Professionals men’s learning program meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8:15 p.m. and Sundays at 9:15 a.m., and includes a free hot meal. “It doesn’t matter what your background is, you’ll find good friends, good food, and good times,” says coordinator Ben Rand. “Rabbi Sklar really inspires everyone.”

“Rabbi Sklar is very relatable, entertaining, and scholarly,” Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim, PTI’s rosh yeshiva, said. “Everyone will be inspired and find something relevant to their lives in each lecture.”

PTI and its Neve women’s program offer five levels of learning for hundreds of men and women, from the complete novice to the advanced kollel scholar, and dozens of programs day and night all week.

For PTI’s schedule go to pti.shulcloud.com, call PTI at (973) 594-4774 or email ptitorah@gmail.com.

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