Paramus shul to honor four

Paramus shul to honor four

Jacob and Sandra Bauer, left, and Howard and Julie Leopold (Photos courtesy JCCP/CBT)
Jacob and Sandra Bauer, left, and Howard and Julie Leopold (Photos courtesy JCCP/CBT)

The JCC of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah will hold its 37th annual journal dinner dance on Sunday, June 23, at 4:30 p.m. This year, it honors Sandra and Jacob Bauer of Bergenfield and Julie and Howard Leopold of Oradell. The couples will be recognized for their years of service to the congregation. The annual celebration honors congregants and a commemorative journal is published in conjunction with it.

Sandra and Jacob Bauer have been involved in the synagogue since they joined in 2002. Sandy Bauer has been an active member of the Community Affairs committee and was involved with the nursery school. Jack Bauer had an integral role in the shul’s merger with the New Milford Jewish Center, Congregation Beth Tikvah. He has been a vice president and president, helping to implement security measures and modernize the building’s infrastructure. He established the Human Resources committee that he co-chairs.

Julie and Howard Leopold joined the JCCP/CBT in 1995 and became active members. As Men’s Club vice president, and then as president, Howie Leopold led talent shows, comedy nights, trips to the Meadowlands, and golf outings. He also was a Young Couples club co-president, shul vice president, and president. He has been a member of nearly all of the shul’s committees. Julie Leopold was an officer of the Association of Parents and Teachers for many years, co-chairs the annual APT Bingo night, and has run many programs, including a cappella concerts, dinners, and comedy/magic shows; she also assists at the Purim carnival.

For more information, or to place a journal ad, call (201) 262-7691 or go to

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