OU day of Torah and activities

OU day of Torah and activities

The Orthodox Union, the umbrella organization for American Orthodox Jewry, will present a day of Torah, learning, inspiration, and more on Sunday, January, 15, from 8:45 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. All are welcome to the program, which will be held indoors at Citi Field in Queens. The day will feature representatives from all walks of Orthodox Jewish life for a meaningful conversation about halacha (Jewish law), Tanach (Bible), hashkafa (moral and ethical code), and Israel.

A key component of this effort is introducing dimensions of Torah study that speak to each person. From kashrut, women, and Torah, to conversion and the role Judaism may play in American politics today, these topics and many others will be part of the dialogue for people to engage in, learn about, and question.

Speakers include Rabbi Yonason Sacks, Mina Glick, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, and Rabbi Menachem Genack.

This program is a milestone for the OU, as the organization expands its focus to provide opportunities for Jews to explore the knowledge and inspiration behind their religious observance.

Since 1898, the OU has provided countless services, from facilitating halachic observance through its ubiquitous kashrut certification, serving as the Orthodox community’s advocate on both federal and state government levels, offering educational outreach for thousands, and providing inclusion programming for the disabled.

Admission is $18, with free parking, and kosher food will be available to buy. Register at ou.org/citi.

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