On the same-sex announcement controversy

On the same-sex announcement controversy

Shame on you for banning same-sex wedding announcements. It is embarrassing enough for the Orthodox community to espouse homophobia in national multimedia. But for the safe haven of “Kol Yisroel” in The Jewish Standard to condone this kind of intolerance is unbelievably disturbing, disappointing, and unethical.

Why have you suddenly dismissed your philosophy of intra-religious tolerance and respect?

Will you now continue to cower at the feet of the Orthodox community on every Jewish issue? Does this mean you will eliminate bat mitzvah announcements, drashes by female rabbis and cantors, articles and photographs pertaining to Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Humanist Jewish congregations? It is precisely this diversity that enriches your paper. You have let your readership down by reneging on your philosophy of representing all the Jews who used to look forward to receiving your paper.

Shame on you for embarrassing and hurting the Smolen family, the Rosen family, and all the families that used to look up to you with great respect.

Humiliation and prejudice are not “Standards” of living or working Jewishly.
