Ninth district primary
Two articles in your June 15 issue – by Ethan Kaminsky and Shmuley Boteach – resonated with me. Both were related to the primary for the new 9th C.D.
As a registered Democrat of long standing, I had to choose between Reps. William J. Pascrell, Jr., and Steve Rothman to represent the Democratic party in the general election.
My problem with Pascrell was that I had sent him an e-mail when I learned that he was one of the signers of the Gaza 54 letter, asking him to explain how, as a supporter of Israel, he could sign it. I’m still waiting to hear from him. As for Rothman, I didn’t know much about him, but his tactics about how to garner votes turned me off. So I decided to sit that one out, as, according to Kaminsky, did many others.
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My decision about what I will do in the general election depends greatly on whether Shmuley Boteach will be any more successful than I in getting Pascrell to reply regarding his signing of the Gaza 54 letter.