News from the Jewish Substandard

News from the Jewish Substandard

Teaneck named shul capital of the world

The Township of Teaneck, which already boasts being the Tree Capital of the World, one of several hundred around New Jersey, has just become the Shul Capital of the World, with the addition of Kehillah Kedoshah, its 45th synagogue, this one non-denominational.

“We now have one shul for every seven Jewish residents and no one has to walk more than a block and a half to get there,” said Town Councillor Hershy Bar-Nun. “The only hang-up was parking. But we solved that. We passed a new ordinance saying that no one can attend a house of non-Christian non-Moslem worship that is at least two blocks from his house.”

Kehillah Kedoshah is located on the cusp between Eastlawn Drive and Westlawn Drive, with an overhang onto Route 4.

“People worried that the noise level from the traffic would be too distracting, but it’s not,” said the new shul’s rabbi, Shimon Tov. “Actually, the noise from the traffic drowns out all the talking during davening, which is a good thing.”
