NCJW BCS to install new officers

NCJW BCS to install new officers

Newly elected officers of the National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section.
Newly elected officers of the National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section.

The National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section will honor its new officers at its 94th annual installation during a champagne brunch on Tuesday, June 6, at Temple Emanu-El in Closter.

Co-president Jane Abraham is a long-time member of NCJW, where she has been vice president of advocacy, working primarily on human trafficking. She is a member of the steering committee, chair of the housing task force of “Age Friendly Teaneck,” and a Bergen Reads volunteer. Co-president Elizabeth Halverstam was the vice president of an international personnel agency. She has served as vice president of administration and chair of public relations for NCJW BCS. Co-president Ruth Seitelman has been on the board and board president of the Center for Hope and Safety (formerly Shelter Our Sisters). She devotes her time to NCJW BCS, the sisterhood at Temple Sinai of Bergen County in Tenafly, and writing as Ruth A. Casie, a USA Today bestselling author of romantic fiction.

Elaine Meyerson will be vice president of administration; she was the executive director of the Center for Hope and Safety for more than 29 years. Susan Azaria Kanrich will be vice president of community services. Marilynn Friedman and Bari-Lynne Schwartz are co-vice presidents of advocacy and education. Ilene Wechter will be the vice president of membership, and Karen Kurland will be the vice president of NCJW’s Council Thrift Shop in Bergenfield. Doris Sarokin is the treasurer, and Norma Goldsmith is recording secretary. For more information, go to

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