Moriah leadership/alumni reunion

Moriah leadership/alumni reunion

The Moriah School will host the Moriah Leadership and Alumni Reunion on Saturday, January 10, at the Moriah campus in Englewood at 8 p.m. The evening marks the dedication of the new Rabbi J. Shelley Applbaum Library and Technology Center.

Awards will be given to Moriah’s former presidents and board chairs including: Max Grobow z”l, Ralph Warburg, Norman Oppenheimer z”l, Seymour Bernstein, Gerald Wolf z”l, Debbie Indyk, Dr. Kenneth Prager, Melvin Lubin, Stanley Turitz, Victor Weinman, David Lew z”l, Nahum Twersky, Marvin I. Benkler z”l, Herbert Speiser, Ilan Kaufthal, Alan Jacobs, Rella Feldman, Dov Schwartz, Daniel Straus, Morris Bienenfeld, Moshael Straus, Jeffrey Parker, Nathan Lindenbaum, Sam Moed, Michael Goldsmith and Jeremy Schwalbe. A special tribute to these leaders also will take place at the annual dinner on February 28.

Special awards will also be given to Diane Wolf, the Moriah School librarian for the past 34 years, and a founding member of Moriah Association of Parents. A Special Service Recognition award will be presented to Emily Trepp, who has been a part of MAP since it began, and for the last 11 years has been known as “Morah Emily” as she volunteers in the early childhood classes. Moriah’s former librarian Shelly Feit, who was at Moriah for 30 years, also will be honored.

In January 1964, the Jewish Standard ran an advertisement announcing the opening of the “Moriah School of Englewood, a Jewish Day School serving Bergen County,” offering kindergarten and first-grade classes. The school had taken form several years earlier in the mind of Rabbi Isaac Swift, the rabbi of Congregation Ahavath Torah, which was then Englewood’s only Orthodox synagogue. At that time, the nearest yeshivot were in Jersey City and Paterson. Rabbi Swift was adamant that a young, growing Orthodox community should not be without its own local yeshiva. Rabbi Swift rallied a small group of dedicated founders and they made plans to launch the school. They had little money or time to undertake a building campaign, so Rabbi Swift moved his office into his home to create the necessary classroom. In September 1964, Ahavath Torah opened its doors to 12 children in the Moriah School’s first kindergarten class.

Fifty years later, Moriah boasts a campus spanning more than 10 acres, leading-edge support-service programs, 21st century technology programming, and nearly 3,600 graduates.

For information, call Nila Lazarus at (201) 567-0208, ext. 373, or email her at To register for the reunion, go to

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