Menorah-topped vehicles to parade through Hackensack

Menorah-topped vehicles to parade through Hackensack

To celebrate Chanukah, Chabad of Hackensack will host a car menorah parade, leaving 280 Summit Ave. in Hackensack, on Sunday, December 2, at 4:30 p.m. The parade route will travel via the main thoroughfares of Hackensack to the Bergen County Courthouse. It will culminate in a 9-foot grand menorah lighting. Anthony Cureton, newly elected Bergen County sheriff, will join the 5:30 celebration at 10 Main St., Hackensack.

The event is also in conjunction with the 50th yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who initiated mitzvah campaigns, which laid the groundwork for public menorahs and the worldwide Chanukah campaign in 1973. For more information, go to

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