Making peace through movies

Making peace through movies

On Sunday night, February 10, I attended a very inspiring presentation at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly. There they showed an Israeli documentary called “One Day After Peace.” Its flyers and ads can’t do it justice. In it Robi Damelin, an heroic Israeli mother, takes us with her as she works to come to terms with the death of her son David, who died at the hands of a Palestinian sniper while serving in the reserves. She wants to see no more deaths. She seeks peace and permanent security. She organizes with other Israeli mothers of sons killed by Palestinians and with mothers of Palestinian sons killed by Israelis. They find some solace in sharing their common grief and working to bring an end to all the bloodshed by showing others that they must try to see the humanity in their enemies. This struggle for peace in Israel and Palestine also brings more personal peace to all the participants.

She visits her native South Africa to learn about the Truth and Reconciliation process. She does not draw any parallels between the South African and Israeli situation except to say that the fiercest enemies can reconcile. Each situation must find its own way to achieve that goal. Along the way she deals with what it means to accept responsibility and what is forgiveness. Her discussion after the showing went further in explaining her awareness of the realities, her thoughtfulness, and her courage in pursuing her goals.

The movie got very favorable responses from audiences in Tel Aviv. I suggest that you recommend showing it at your shul and local movie theater. It is as good as “The Other’s Son,” and it is about a real woman living a real life.
